What Bri King Tutoring Means to Me

Bri King Tutoring

Words from a past student…

Tutoring can often leave kids worried that they are not smart enough and that they need extra help. However, with Bri King Tutoring, this is not the case. Bri and her meticulous employees encourage us to realise our potential! They build upon our strengths and strive to work on the areas to improve.

I personally always doubted whether I was smart enough, but through Bri and her employees’ tutelage, I gained so much confidence within myself and my own work, which resulted in me excelling in my studies. Bri King Tutoring goes beyond the confines of a tutor student relationship, but rather a friendly relationship in which students prosper!

This is What Made Me Love Year 12


For me, the fundamental element to my year 12 experience was undoubtedly the social aspect, the building of life long friendships which help assist you through the gruelling challenges year 12 throws. When potentially having up to 5 SACs in a week, at times, dropping your head and motivation can often seem to be the easy way out.

Yet, it is the constant presence of your closest mates who help motivate you through the seemingly endless weeks, giving you much needed boosts of energy and keeping you motivated. Accompanied by the never-ending 18ths every weekend it really is the these things which for me, assisted me through year 12 and made me genuinely love every minute of my year 12 schooling year.

By Anthony

One Tip to Keep Examiners Engaged with your Essay

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If there's one thing that helps raise marks, it's this- specificity.

What I mean by specificity is integrating specific information about the relevant text into your essay that shows the depth of knowledge you have. When it comes to year 12, you need to be incorporating far more than a discussion on characters and plot- you need to be including themes, literary devices, historians point of view and interpretations from literary critics. These are the elements that will allow your essay to stand out.

On average, there are roughly 40,000 students each year completing the year 12 English exam. That's 40,000 other text response essays, 40,000 comparative essays and 40,000 language analysis essays.

                              Keep the examiners engaged and excited to read your essay!

Make sure you give them a critical analysis of the text (or texts, in the case of comparative) to ensure that you can give yourself the best possible chance of achieving those high marks!

Click here to continue raising your marks!

By Bri

Life Beyond Year 12: Get Ready for your Future

While in the middle of year 12, it's hard to remember that there is more to life than study. Yes, study is a big component to your year, but there are many other things in life that are difficult to see when we're in the thick of it.
We get so consumed by what is going on in our current life, that we essentially forget why we are in fact studying. Don't get me wrong, part of study and schooling is to give us opportunities in the future, whether that be getting into a university course or a job. But there is more to study than just that...

Here's the thing- in 10, 20, 30 years time, you won't remember what marks you received, or what ATAR you achieved. But here's what you will remember- whether you gave it your all in Year 12 and worked to the best of your abilities. If you do that, irrespective of what marks you achieve, you can be damn proud of yourself. This is the lesson of school. To learn how to persevere, be resilient, focus and stand up for what you believe in. These are skills that you will carry for the rest of your life.

Remember, see the bigger picture and how school will influence your future. Take the skills learnt from school and apply it to life. And be proud of what you have achieved to get to where you are now. So, work to the best of your abilities through study so in 30 years, you can be proud of everything you have learnt and achieved.

By Bri

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Do These 3 Things to Navigate VCE Successfully


Resilience. Resilience is; ‘the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.’ This toughness is going to be the defining trait that gets you through not only your education, but your life. VCE is a challenging couple of years that involves numerous hurdles and constant effort. If you don’t have the ‘toughness’ required, then VCE is only going to become more challenging. Here are a few thoughts to increase your ‘toughness’ and your resilience:

Be realistically optimistic with your expectations

Allowing yourself to be realistically optimistic with your expectations is a key characteristic of resilience and it certainly applies when it comes to perseverance! We always take on a lot more than we can handle, whether it be wishful thinking or grand expectations, and this is just human nature. Don’t dream smaller, plan better.

Accept that you can’t control everything

In VCE and in your life, there will be either situations or people that you cannot control. You must accept that. Not all situations can be influenced the way we want, but the outcomes can be interpreted the way we want. You may receive negative feedback from a teacher one day, and you can either be frustrated or use that feedback to better your work and better yourself!

Plan for success

Your final years of high school are so important. So, plan for them to be. Plan to work hard! Plan to help your fellow students! Plan to do your best with all that you’ve been given! It’s so easy to get stuck into these final years and go through the motions, but the most effective student is the one who plans for success! Take your time, decide what it is you need to prioritise and put that at the forefront of your attention. The more you plan, the more confident you will be going into your SAC’s and your exams.


Perseverance = Stubbornness with a purpose

Throughout these final years of school, you are constantly going to face adversity. So, you must decide for yourself what you will do in the face of these challenges. Whether it be a tough SAC, a demanding assignment or just committing to weekly study, your decisions will have an impact on your end of year results.

Now, perseverance is your ability to; ‘keep doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.’ With that in mind, no matter how hard the work gets, or how demanding it is of your time, you will get back up and do it again! Because at the end of your VCE studies, all you want to remember is that you were resilient, you persevered and you got the results deserved. :)

 “Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” - Newt Gingrich

By Shannon Misso

Sign up now to our courses for Year 12 students.